Nataij Group has engaged in more than 25 projects with diverse stakeholders in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific. The examples provided below offer a glimpse of our work.
Nataij Group is supporting an assessment of commercial banks in Vietnam as potential candidates for accreditation with the Green Climate Fund.
Nataij Group was commissioned by the Adaptation Fund to develop an e-learning course on its accreditation processes. The course will soon to be accessible on the World Bank Group Open Learning Campus.
Nataij Group is assisting the LandBank of the Philippines with the development of a concept note on sustainable transportation. Specific tasks involve conducting research and completing templates. The concept note will be submitted to the Green Climate Fund.
Nataij Group guided the Ministry of Finance of Nepal in its nomination of four entities for Direct Access accreditation with the Green Climate Fund.
Nataij Group delivered a two-day workshop and series of consultations to candidate Direct Access Entities in Nepal to guide them in (i) addressing remaining gaps against the Green Climate Fund accreditation standards and (ii) creating a multi-year Entity Work Plan.
Nataij Group was commissioned by the Global Environment Facility to redesign the results frameworks and theories of change for its Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund.
Nataij Group assisted the Foundation for the Philippine Environment to review its institutional structure and align its policies, procedures, and systems with international best practices.
Nataij Group is collaborating with the Micronesia Conservation Trust to formulate a full project proposal on enhancing food and water security in the Federated States of Micronesia.
Natai Group conducted a mid-term evaluation of a Global Environment Facility project on integrated approaches to management of forests in Turkey.
Nataij Group developed a baseline study on challenges to and opportunities for urban sustainability in the East African Community. The findings were presented at the East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Sustainable Energy Forum in Rwanda (2018).
Nataij Group assisted the Republic of Palau’s Ministry of Finance to update its Project Management Manual so that it may meet Green Climate Fund criteria related to gender and environmental and social safeguards.
Nataij Group developed a baseline study on challenges to and opportunities for urban sustainability in coastal cities of eight Mediterranean countries. The findings will be used to inform the preparation of project proposal under GEF-7.
Nataij Group assisted the National Environment Management Authority of Kenya to develop a project concept and associated project preparation facility grant.
Nataij Group supported the National Climate Council of Gabon to draft an adaptation readiness proposal for submission to the Green Climate Fund.
Nataij Group assisted the Micronesia Conservation Trust to satisfy a number of outstanding requirements after the entity was granted conditional accreditation with the Green Climate Fund at the July 2017 Board meeting.
Nataij Group delivered targeted trainings to management and staff of Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme with the objective of strengthening the entity’s project cycle, fiduciary practices, environmental and social safeguards, and gender mainstreaming policies.
Nataij Group conducted a systematic review of multi-focal area projects completed by the Global Environment Facility to synthesize lessons learned, innovative practices, and performance in key metrics.